Friday, 4 July 2014

I thought I would share with you guy some of my favourite bloggers, so we can all share and spread the love! I am going to share with you their bloglovin links so you can keep upto date with their posts aswell.  The most amazing thing about the blogesphere is that there so many kinds of bloggers with different styles, personalities and lives and I am going to show you a few of my faves!  

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I love Jodi, she is the epitome of class. Her style is timeless, sophisticated and chic. 

TWITTER: @highheelstutus

Shree is a beauty blogger, even though her blog shines and it is full of amazing content that's not what strikes me about her. Shree has the most beautiful and warm personality and she really connects with her readers 

TWITTER: @PorcelainShree

3. Evian from Fauxmermaid

Even though Evian has just started blogging her posts so far are great and as I know her personally I can tell you she is a lovely girl with the most amazing sense of humour. 

TWITTER: @fauxmermaid

Ella is the epitome of cool. She has a real 70s to 90s vibe about her and makes some of the most amazing self-do's.

TWITTER:  @ellaviolettta

5. Chiddy from theslumflower

Chiddy is an inspiring young lady, she sets her own rules and wears whatever she likes. In this day and age its easy to get hypnotized by society's 'norms' on what is acceptable and unacceptable and it's nice to see someone truely express their soul.  A real fashion butterfly

TWITTER: @theslumflower_

Let me know who are some of your favourite bloggers?


  1. Stella, thank you so much for featuring me in your Follow Friday! I'm so glad that I came a crossed your blog. I have really been enjoying your fashion content (and still can't stop thinking about those amazing Chanel shoes!)



  2. I'll definitely be checking out these blogs, they all sound fab! :)
    I love your blog!
    - Grace's Beauty Space xx

  3. nicee list gonna check them out :)

    Serah x
    Serah de Fashix

  4. Will be checking all the blogs out! (=
    xx | kim&kyle


Thankyou for commenting and feel free to leave a link so I can check out your blog!